Markets ended on a weak note on Friday with the BSE going down by 2.5%. It started on Monday at 10080, peaked at 10180 and ended at 9238. The fall on Friday could mostly be attributed to advance tax numbers which were down 22.4% YOY. Advance tax numbers are a reflection of what companies earnings will look like and these numbers were worse than expected. The fall starting from the beginning of the week can be attributed to technical resistance points at 10200.
Banks outperform the index due to lower than expected inflation numbers. It fell by 6% for the week compared to 6.5% for the BSE. The expectation is that the RBI can now aggressively cut rates which should benefit banks and kick start the lending process. The oil & gas index fell by 9% while the metal index fell by 9% and the IT index fell by 8%.
The possibility of war between India and Pakistan will have a negative impact on market sentiment.My view is that the markets will continue to move downward and will bounce at 8900.
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